Front page of WHV media release word document Abortion is healthcare, not a moral issue. Patient safety depends on healthcare privacy
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 10 November 2022
| Posted:
10 November 2022

Recent news that Medibank customers’ private data, including their use of abortion services, has been published on the dark web by hackers risks the safety of abortion patients.

Abortion rights are human rights media release cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 27 June 202
| Posted:
27 June 2022

Victorian health services have provided a united front in support of abortion access in response to the overturning of landmark Roe v Wade abortion legislation in America with hospitals, women’s health services and community health organisations signing on to a state-wide statement of support for abortion provision. 

Recovery and resiliance: Victorian Women's Health Services budget submission 2022-2023 cover image22-23_(Image).PNG
Victorian Women's Health Services |Published: 06 April 2022
| Posted:
6 April 2022

Women’s Health Victoria together with other Women’s Health Services across Victoria have come together to call for more funding and support to advocate for meaningful investment in public health, wellbeing and intersectional equality.

Submission to Human Rights Committee Inquiry into Relgious Discrimination Bill 2021 cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 09 February 2022
| Posted:
9 February 2022

This submission draws on previous WHV submissions on earlier drafts of the Religious Discrimination Bill and those of key stakeholders including the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) and Equality Australia (EA).

Dark blue text on teal background reads 'Women's mental health webinars'
Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 29 November 2021
| Posted:

The Women’s Mental Health Alliance and Women’s Health Victoria host webinars topical issues in women’s mental health. 

First page of VMIAC-WHV-WMHA media release word document with logos
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 08 October 2021
| Posted:
8 October 2021

Women’s Health Victoria, the Women’s Mental Health Alliance and mental health consumer peak the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council have ongoing concerns about the high costs of mental health misdiagnosis to family violence survivors and the increased risk this creates to their safety.

Front cover of Women's Mental Health Alliance submission to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (VIC) consultation. Purple and orange text on white background with a purple and orange wave on the bottom-left of the page.
Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 06 August 2021
| Posted:
6 August 2021

This submission from the Women’s Mental Health Alliance (the Alliance) responds to the Update and Engagement Paper on the new Mental Health & Wellbeing Act.

Front cover of WHV submission on the Second National Plan to End Violence Against Women. Blue and teal shapes on an orange and white background.
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 06 August 2021
| Posted:
6 August 2021

This submission largely focuses on the primary prevention of men’s violence against women in line with the focus and expertise of WHV.

Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 16 June 2021
| Posted:
16 June 2021

The Alliance has undertaken a gender analysis of key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to inform implementation.

Image of the first page of the Spotlight on pelvic pain in women Word document
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 03 June 2021
| Posted:
3 June 2021

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of pelvic pain in women.