The Labia Library is Women’s Health Victoria’s award-winning health literacy resource for women, girls and people with labia.

The Labia Library

Women’s Health Victoria developed the Labia Library to address common myths about what ‘normal’ labia look like and promote positive body image. The site provides information about anatomy, the functions of the labia, and concerns that people may have about their labia, as well as resources for health practitioners, health educators, and parents and carers.  

It also includes a gallery of over 100 unedited and non-sexualised photos of labia across a wide range of ages, skin tones, genders and experiences to show just how different they can be.  

Since 2013, the Labia Library has been viewed by nearly 11 million people all over the world!  

The Labia Library

Visit The Labia Library

Our goal is to promote positive body image and show that when it comes to labia, ‘normal’ comes in all shapes and sizes.  

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Publications and Resources

Evaluation, Evidence and Publications

Read our Issues Paper on Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery and the Labia Library user survey report.

More about the Labia Library

Labia Library in the Media

Take a look at the latest articles and news items about the Labia Library.

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Awards and citations

Quotes from Labia Library visitors:


‘Thank you!! I wanted to cry because I am so relieved. I felt like I had no clue if I looked normal and was worried and this helped put things into perspective for me and gave me more appreciation for my body. I am very glad to have found this.’​


'I’m 66 years old and this is the first time I had this information. Always thought my bits didn’t look normal and never had the courage to ask. Now I know they are just fine.’


‘A great resource especially for young women. I am a GP and see a lot of young women and this will be a great resource for those women who are concerned about the appearance of their genitals.'


‘Thank you for taking my worst insecurity and making me feel normal.'

Join millions of people around the world and visit the Labia Library today!

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