Women’s Health Victoria is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of all Victorian women through education and training.

We have a comprehensive suite of Microcredentials, online courses, workshops and interactive online courses that seek to change thinking and practice on the subjects of gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.

Our courses are an important part of our approach to building individual and workforce capability as a means to achieve the transformational change required to create a more gender equal society.


Training Options

Women’s Health Victoria offers a range of online and face-to-face training to support workforce and individual professional development. 


Training Calendar

Explore our Training Calendar to see our current schedule.

August to November 2024 Schedule (PDF download)

View Upcoming Training
Training and Events

Gender Equity

Women’s health outcomes are shaped by the unequal distribution of power and resources, discrimination and harmful gender norms and practices. Explore our full range of Gender Equity training available.

Prevention of Violence Against Women

Prevention of Violence Against Women

We have been leading work in the Prevention of Violence Against Women for more than a decade, explore our full range of Prevention of Violence Against Women training available.

SRH Course-Course

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Our goal is for all Victorian women to experience optimal sexual and reproductive health (SRH) at every life stage, explore our full range of SRH training available.

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Accredited Gender Equity Training

Information for training providers, industry and students about the accredited Course in Gender Equity and the Gender Equity Microcredentials.

Capturing Change

Gender Equity in Teaching Practice

Explore the wealth of expertise in teaching available from world leading institutions in Victoria

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Take a Stand logo_December 2022_no tagline

Take a Stand

Take a Stand is an award-winning program that supports workplaces to prevent and address violence against women, while promoting respectful and safe workplaces for all.

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Course Bundles

Explore our Gender Equity and Prevention of Violence Against Women Microcredential bundles available.



Counterpart provides training for our Peer Support Volunteers to support women with cancer to live well.

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Flexible delivery

The impact of COVID 19 has seen a shift in training delivery at WHV moving the majority of our training online. Studying online at your own convenience allows you the flexibility to manage competing demands in your work and personal life. It provides you with the opportunity to engage in learning at a time when you can focus mindfully on the task at hand – learning. We also offer interactive online courses which provide participants with the opportunity to engage in online webinars, discussions and forums alongside traditional online courses such as Microcredentials.

We do however still offer some courses via face-to-face delivery these workshops are subject to COVID-19 restrictions and we will assess our ability to provide this mode of delivery on enquiry.

Evidenced base

Our courses are all evidence based and industry informed. This means that we engage with industry, draw on current best practice and are informed by current research in our design and development of our courses. Throughout the program development phase from conceptual thinking through to design, development and testing we connect with industry and subject matter experts. We do this to ensure that the training will achieve the outcomes sought - improved workplace practice that meets industry expectations.

We also apply this evidenced informed approach to our teaching practices, drawing on contemporary teaching practices to inform our curriculum design and our teaching approach.