Front cover of the submission to Productivity Commission interim report to the National Skills and Workforce Development Agreement
Gender Equality Victoria, Women in Adult and Vocational Education, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 22 July 2020
| Posted:
22 July 2020

This submission to the Productivity Submission, written by Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV), specifically talks to issues relating to ‘options to ensure government investment in VET encourages increased participation in training by all Australians and is commensurate with the outcomes and benefits derived by individuals, business, industry, the local and national economy and society more generally.’

Front page of document, Women's Mental Health Alliance additional evidence to the RC
Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 16 July 2020
| Posted:
16 July 2020

The Women’s Mental Health Alliance (the Alliance) responded to an invitation from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to provide further evidence on gender and mental health to inform the Commissioners’ deliberations, with a focus on: gender and diagnostic types; trauma, gender and mental health; gender and safety in the mental health system; and gender and mental health promotion.

Front cover of submission to Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy Review
Gender Equality Victoria, Women in Adult and Vocational Education, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 06 July 2020
| Posted:

This submission, written by Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult  and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV), makes recommendations drawing on a wealth of evidence that supports that this is not possible until inequity in our society and economy is addressed – specifically gender equity.

Empowering women to exercise their reproductive rights cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 15 June 2020
| Posted:
15 June 2020

1800 My Options - Victoria’s pro-choice, free and confidential phone line for sexual and reproductive health - today received its 10,000th call since launching in March 2018. 

Picture of the first page of the Word document
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 15 May 2020
| Posted:
15 May 2020

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of women and gender-responsive mental health care.

Early Menopause: Health Practitioners’ Perspectives picture. Image is a black and white photo of a stethoscope
Healthtalk Australia, Monash University & RMIT University in partnership with Women’s Health Victoria |Published: 4 Nov 2019
| Posted:
14 May 2020

The Healthtalk Australia Early Menopause: Health Practitioners’ Perspectives online resource is based on the video and audio-recorded experiences of 16 health practitioners from a range of specialties in relation to caring for women with early menopause or POI (spontaneous or caused by medical treatment).

Gender equity and women's organisations unite on COVID 19 Joint Statement image
|Published: Victorian gender equity and women's organisations
| Posted:
2 April 2020

50 organisations committed to gender equity and women across Victoria have made a joint statement calling for State and Federal Governments to recognise the gendered impacts of COVID-19.

Delving Deeper Forum title image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 16 March 2020
| Posted:
16 March 2020

This interactive symposium explored the application of gender transformative practice in the women's policy and health promotion sector, with a focus on engaging men in the work to prevent violence against women. The forum features the launch of the knowledge paper Towards gender transformative practice, an expert panel discussion on men and masculinities, insights from International leaders, and break out sessions with participants.

Think Again Forum thumbnail image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 03 March 2020
| Posted:
3 March 2020

This interactive symposium explores why sex and gender matter more than ever to effective action on key women’s health issues, with a focus on mental health and substance use.

Submission on Religious Discrimination Bill Second Exposure Draft cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 03 February 2020
| Posted:
3 February 2020

This submission outlines the reasons WHV opposes the Religious Discrimination Bill.