Women’s Health Victoria is a proud intersectional feminist organisation. We acknowledge that patriarchy and structural inequality cause real harms, especially to women, nonbinary, trans, intersex and gender-diverse people.

Until now, Women’s Health Victoria has served non-binary, trans, intersex and gender diverse people in some ways. We are now intentionally transforming our organisational capability, workforce, engagement, service delivery and culture to build a more inclusive and safe environment for all program users and staff.  

As an intersectional feminist organisation, Women’s Health Victoria will work towards meaningful inclusivity, guided by and supporting people who identify as women, non-binary, trans, intersex and gender diverse.

To do this, we will: 

This is a process and we may not always get it right. We will seek and value feedback from the non-binary, trans, intersex and gender diverse communities and be accountable to our partners and stakeholders from diverse communities.