Draft second National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032 cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 25 February 2022
| Posted:
27 April 2022

This submission welcomes the important inclusion of recovery from violence in the draft National Plan 2022-2032, and notes progress in relation to prevention over the previous decade. However, overall changes during this time in relation to the gendered drivers of violence against women and children have been minimal, and persistent or increasing prevalence rates are of significant concern.

Submission to Human Rights Committee Inquiry into Relgious Discrimination Bill 2021 cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 09 February 2022
| Posted:
9 February 2022

This submission draws on previous WHV submissions on earlier drafts of the Religious Discrimination Bill and those of key stakeholders including the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) and Equality Australia (EA).

Royal Commission and womens mental health webinar slide image
Women’s Mental Health Alliance, Mental Health Victoria |Published: 01 September 2021
| Posted:
1 September 2021
This webinar hosted by the Women’s Mental Health Alliance and Mental Health Victoria examines the implications of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System for women’s mental health, and opportunities to ensure that the redesign of the mental health system meets the needs of women, girls and gender diverse people.
Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention submission cover image
Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 20 August 2021
| Posted:
20 August 2021

This submission to the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention highlights the importance of a gender-responsive approach to mental health.

Shifting focus preventing gendered violence and harassment at work submission image
Victoria Legal Aid, Women's Health Victoria, Sexual Assault Services Victoria |Published: 09 August 2021
| Posted:
9 August 2021

This submission unpacks the urgent reforms needed to prevent gendered violence and sexual harassment in Victorian workplaces, hold perpetrators accountable, and support victim survivors to recover and receive redress.