Teaching gender equity a toolkit image
Clemens A, Subban P, Komarzynski L. |Published: 01 August 2020
| Posted:
1 August 2020

This toolkit has been devised to support the teaching and learning of gender equity units of competency. It draws on applied research and highlights practical things to consider and do in preparation for teaching.

Atlas Education Resource Geography 9-10 Series covers image
Barlow S; Women's Health Victoria; Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria |Published: 03 July 2020
| Posted:
3 July 2020

These Geography classroom exercises are designed to enable teachers and students anywhere in Victoria to draw on real-world local data to investigate issues, identify spatial variations, and interpret health and gender impacts.

Supporting gender equity education: a research project to inform gender equity units of competency cover image
Clemans A, Subban P, Gleeson J, Komarzynski L |Published: 27 September 2019
| Posted:
6 November 2019

This report documents the evidence base, as identified by Monash University, to inform the pedagogical approach required to teach and assess the new accredited Course in Gender Equity (22521VIC). It provides a teaching framework which has informed the unit development and will be used to inform teaching practice.