Submission to Inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces front page
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 28 February 2019
| Posted:
8 March 2019

This submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission national Inquiry puts forward evidence-based key principles for effectively addressing and in particular, preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Terms of reference for the Victorian Royal Commission Into Mental Health submission front page
Women's Health Victoria |Published: January 2019
| Posted:
25 January 2019

Women's Health Victoria provides feedback on the proposed TOR, and discusses the incorporation of women's experiences and needs into the Royal Commission processes. 

Establishing a National women's health strategy 2020 to 2030 submission front page
Women's Health Victoria |Published: November 2018
| Posted:
2 November 2018

This submission, in the form of an online survey Q and A, contains WHV responses on the proposed National women's health strategy structure, priority areas, and research partnerships and progress. 

Submission on Termination Of Pregnancy Bill Queensland front cover
Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2018
| Posted:
5 September 2018

Women’s Health Victoria strongly supports the current Bill which seeks to decriminalise and regulate abortion provision in Queensland and provides for the establishment of safe access zones. Safe and legal access to abortion is good public health practice and plays an important role in supporting women’s broader health and wellbeing.

Victorian Gender Equity Bill submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2018
| Posted:
27 September 2018

Women’s Health Victoria have identified opportunities to strengthen some aspects of the legislation. In particular, opportunities to refine some of the principles and processes specified in the Bill to ensure that the Gender Equality Bill achieves its objectives. 

Addressing reproductive coercion submission Round 2
Women's Health Victoria |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
17 August 2018

This submission provides Women’s Health Victoria’s feedback on Hidden Forces, Marie Stopes Australia’s draft white paper on reproductive coercion.

Obesity epidemic in Australia submission
White C, Jovanovski N. |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
10 August 2018

This submission on obesity in Australia includes contributions and endorsement from Women's Health Victoria and Health at Every Size Australia. 

Reproductive coercion
Women's Health Victoria |Published: March 2018
| Posted:
1 March 2018

This submission explores the issue of reproductive coercion, how it can be experienced by women, and how it may be prevented and addressed. As a health promotion organisation, Women’s Health Victoria has particular expertise to offer in relation to primary prevention, gender equity and strengthening service delivery for women.

Setting the agenda for gender equity submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: August 2017
| Posted:
21 August 2017

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission provides a high level summary of key issues, strategies, initiatives and organisations intended to inform Labor’s future commitments to addressing gender inequality from the national level.

Valuing sport and recreation submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: March 2017
| Posted:
9 March 2017

Sport and increased physical activity has potential to make a huge difference in the lives and wellbeing of women and girls in Victoria.