Senate Inquiry into domestic violence and gender inequality submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: April 2016
| Posted:
4 April 2016

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission focuses on the role of the Commonwealth Government and opportunities for national reform in relation to domestic violence and gender inequality.

Victorian gender equality strategy submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: March 2016
| Posted:
21 March 2016

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission provides a strong, evidence-based foundation for an effective and meaningful gender equality strategy for Victoria.

Submission in response to the Health 2040 Discussion Paper
Women's Health Victoria |Published: December 2015
| Posted:
18 December 2015

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission on the Health 2040 discussion paper on the future of healthcare in Victoria has been developed in collaboration with, and with contributions from, the other members of the Women’s Health Association of Victoria (WHAV).

Safe access zones submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: November 2015
| Posted:
5 November 2015

Women’s Health Victoria strongly supports amending the Public Health and  Wellbeing Act 2008 to provide safe access zones to ensure that staff and patients can safely access premises at which abortions are provided.

Submission to Royal Commission into Family Violence (Victoria)
Women's Health Victoria |Published: May 2015
| Posted:
29 May 2015

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission focuses on the need for the Victorian Government to invest in a comprehensive primary prevention strategy to address the root causes of violence against women.

Standing Committee on Health Inquiry into Hepatitis C submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: February 2015
| Posted:
27 February 2015

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission highlights the need for a gendered approach to all aspects of healthcare and policy relating to women and HCV.