This toolkit informs consumers about how ads are regulated in Australia, the rules advertisers are supposed to follow, and how to make a complaint.
This toolkit informs consumers about how ads are regulated in Australia, the rules advertisers are supposed to follow, and how to make a complaint.
This toolkit outlines how sexist portrayals of women and men in advertising can be harmful, and presents a range of options for concerned consumers to lodge a complaint or take other action.
This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of trauma informed practice and women.
This research paper explores the efficacy of interventions that aim to address sexism or promote progressive gender representations in advertising, highlighting examples of local and global promising practice.
The Year In Review celebrates the highlights and essence of the Counterpart service - women supporting women with cancer - over the last financial year.
For 25 years, Women’s Health Victoria has been at the forefront of many contemporary issues and advances in women’s health and gender equality through advocacy, policy, training and support. This snapshot highlights key WHV achievements, year-by-year, from 1993 to 2018.
WHV's submission, endorsed by multiple agencies, makes 26 recommendations regarding the content of the code of ethics and related practice notes.
WHV asserts that the exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill privileges the right to religious freedom over the rights of women and marginalised groups to be free from discrimination and to access health, employment, education and other services.
This report documents the evidence base, as identified by Monash University, to inform the pedagogical approach required to teach and assess the new accredited Course in Gender Equity (22521VIC). It provides a teaching framework which has informed the unit development and will be used to inform teaching practice.