Map of Victoria showing the local government areas served by each of the regional services within the Victorian Women’s Health Services Network. Also lists the statewide services within the Network.
Map of Victoria showing the local government areas served by each of the regional services within the Victorian Women’s Health Services Network. Also lists the statewide services within the Network.
Map of Melbourne showing the local government areas served by each of the metropolitan services within the Victorian Women’s Health Services Network.
The Real Bodies: Understanding and Celebrating Labia Diversity report by Women's Health Victoria reveals that almost one-quarter of young Australian women feel anxious or unhappy about their labia, driven by the influence of porn and online media. This anxiety has led to an increase in female genital cosmetic surgery.
A new survey by Women’s Health Victoria and YouGov has found that almost one quarter of women aged 18-24 feel anxious, embarrassed or unhappy about the appearance of their labia, which can have damaging impacts on their physical, mental and sexual health and wellbeing.
The Atlas, produced by Women's Health Victoria, is a free, interactive data platform that displays health and social wellbeing indicators, mapped by sex, for every local government area in Victoria.
This video, launched at the 2021 AGM, showcases Women's Health Victoria's programs, services, activities and achievements throughout the 2020-2021 year.
The Victorian Government today announced $1.67 million in funding for 1800 My Options to enable this essential statewide women's sexual and reproductive health service to continue for a further four years.
Independent evaluation of the service demonstrates that 1800 My Options increases timely access to essential sexual and reproductive health services, reduces stigma around abortion and contraception, and services diverse communities across Victoria.
shEqual – an Australian first initiative to realise equality in advertising – launched Monday 23 November 2020 with the support of industry and government leaders.
This framework is an Australian-first national blueprint for long-term change to promote gender equality and address the drivers of violence against women in the advertising setting.