Victorian gender equality strategy

Women's Health Victoria
Published: March 2016
Series: Submission

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission provides a strong, evidence-based foundation for an effective and meaningful gender equality strategy for Victoria.

Section 1 provides an overview of the current state of gender inequality in Victoria and Australia, introduces key concepts relating to gender equality, and outlines current and former initiatives promoting gender equality at the state and national levels.

Section 2 puts forward six key principles that WHV recommends should underpin a Victorian gender equality strategy. Each principle is explained using models or diagrams and supported by evidence and case studies. In summary, WHV recommends that, in developing a Victorian gender equality strategy, the Victorian Government should:

1.     Target the norms, practices and structures that support gender inequality

2.     Adopt a long term, whole-of-community approach to achieving gender equality, taking an intersectional approach

3.     Demonstrate leadership by agenda-setting, gender mainstreaming and coordinating effort

4.     Aim to take a gender-transformative approach to policy and programs

5.     Engage cross-sector partners and leverage specialist gender equity expertise

6.     Establish a monitoring and accountability framework, and invest in data, evaluation, tools and workforce development.

Submitted to: Victoria. Department of Premier and Cabinet.

More information about the consultation can be found here.


Women's Health Victoria (2016) Victorian gender equality strategy [submission]. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.

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