Submission in response to the Health 2040 Discussion Paper

Women's Health Victoria
Published: December 2015
Series: Submission

Women’s Health Victoria’s submission on the Health 2040 discussion paper on the future of healthcare in Victoria has been developed in collaboration with, and with contributions from, the other members of the Women’s Health Association of Victoria (WHAV).

The submission recommends that future healthcare in Victoria be underpinned by three key principles:

1.     Investment in universal and tailored health promotion and prevention strategies that support equitable outcomes across the population as a whole  

2.     A gendered approach to healthcare and health promotion, promotion of gender equity and empowerment of women  

3.     Valuing and resourcing of specialist women’s health services so they can continue to provide expertise in primary prevention and health promotion, and strengthen the capacity of the health system to identify and respond to the needs of women.

The submission discusses the application of these principles, along with case studies of effective women’s health promotion practice, for each of the priority areas outlined in the Health 2040 discussion paper:

1.     A person-centred view of healthcare

2.     Preventing and treating chronic disease

3.     Improving people’s health outcomes and experience

4.     Improving the way the system works together

5.     Better health for people in rural and regional areas

6.     Valuing and supporting our workforce

Submitted to: Victoria. Department of Health and Human Services

More information about the discussion paper can be found here.


Women's Health Victoria (2015) Submission in response to the Health 2040 Discussion Paper. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.

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