Promotional video and presentation outlining the history and achievements of shEqual: Gender Equality in Advertising Project.
Promotional video and presentation outlining the history and achievements of shEqual: Gender Equality in Advertising Project.
This framework is an Australian-first national blueprint for long-term change to promote gender equality and address the drivers of violence against women in the advertising setting.
This toolkit outlines how sexist portrayals of women and men in advertising can be harmful, and presents a range of options for concerned consumers to lodge a complaint or take other action.
This toolkit informs consumers about how ads are regulated in Australia, the rules advertisers are supposed to follow, and how to make a complaint.
This study explores the responses of Victorian community members to gender portrayals in advertising. The study suggests that community members perceive that stereotyped gender portrayals and sexualised images of women are common in advertising, and that these portrayals pressure women and men to conform to limiting stereotypes, have negative impacts on health and wellbeing, and may support attitudes that cause violence against women.
This research paper explores the efficacy of interventions that aim to address sexism or promote progressive gender representations in advertising, highlighting examples of local and global promising practice.
This research summary provides a snapshot of the analysis undertaken by RMIT’s Dr Lauren Gurrieri and Dr Rob Hoffman – Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: An analysis of local and global promising practice – which considers how problematic gender portrayals in advertising can be addressed.
WHV's submission, endorsed by multiple agencies, makes 26 recommendations regarding the content of the code of ethics and related practice notes.
The aim of this issues paper is to provide an overview of significant literature currently published on the nature of gender portrayals in advertising, and the impacts of these representations on women’s health and wellbeing, gender inequality and attitudes and behaviours that support violence against women.