Empowering consumers to call out sexism in advertising thumbnail image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 28 November 2019
| Posted:
28 November 2019

This toolkit informs consumers about how ads are regulated in Australia, the rules advertisers are supposed to follow, and how to make a complaint.

Reporting sexist advertising a toolkit for consumers cover image
McKenzie M, Bugden M, Pierorazio N |Published: 28 November 2019
| Posted:
28 November 2019

This toolkit outlines how sexist portrayals of women and men in advertising can be harmful, and presents a range of options for concerned consumers to lodge a complaint or take other action.

Womens Mental Health Alliance statement image
Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 27 November 2019
| Posted:
27 November 2019

A new alliance of women’s health organisations, consumer bodies, community services, human rights bodies, clinicians and researchers has been convened in the context of the Victorian Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. There is an urgent need for an increased focus on the mental health of women and girls.

Image: New alliance calls for urgent action on the mental health of women and girls
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 27 November 2019
| Posted:
27 November 2019

A new Women’s Mental Health Alliance has been established to advocate for a stronger focus on the mental health of women and girls.

Reports reveal our attitudes to sexist ads and how the industry can improve thumbnail
RMIT University, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
29 October 2019
People are sick of sexist ads and the harm they cause but feel powerless to change them, according to new research released today by RMIT University and Women's Health Victoria.
Addressing and preventing sexist advertising an analysis of local and global promising practice cover image
Gurrieri L, Hoffman R. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
29 October 2019

This research paper explores the efficacy of interventions that aim to address sexism or promote progressive gender representations in advertising, highlighting examples of local and global promising practice.

Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of ethics review submission cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 18 October 2019
| Posted:
18 October 2019

WHV's submission, endorsed by multiple agencies, makes 26 recommendations regarding the content of the code of ethics and related practice notes.

Supporting gender equity education: a research project to inform gender equity units of competency cover image
Clemans A, Subban P, Gleeson J, Komarzynski L |Published: 27 September 2019
| Posted:
6 November 2019

This report documents the evidence base, as identified by Monash University, to inform the pedagogical approach required to teach and assess the new accredited Course in Gender Equity (22521VIC). It provides a teaching framework which has informed the unit development and will be used to inform teaching practice.

Submission to Royal Commission Into Victoria's Mental Health System thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published:
| Posted:
8 July 2019

WHV's submission focuses on the need for an intersectional gender-sensitive approach to be applied to all areas of mental health policy, health promotion and service provision.

Submission to Inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces front page
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 28 February 2019
| Posted:
8 March 2019

This submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission national Inquiry puts forward evidence-based key principles for effectively addressing and in particular, preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.