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Looking for an overview or in-depth coverage of a particular women’s health or gender equity issue? Explore our recent publications by topic, publication type, year and audience. Earlier publications are available to view and download via the WHV Library online catalogue.

Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention submission cover image

Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 20 August 2021
| Posted:
20 August 2021

This submission to the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention highlights the importance of a gender-responsive approach to mental health.

Shifting focus preventing gendered violence and harassment at work submission image

Shifting focus: preventing gendered violence and harassment at work and supporting victim-survivors

Victoria Legal Aid, Women's Health Victoria, Sexual Assault Services Victoria |Published: 09 August 2021
| Posted:
9 August 2021

This submission unpacks the urgent reforms needed to prevent gendered violence and sexual harassment in Victorian workplaces, hold perpetrators accountable, and support victim survivors to recover and receive redress.  

Front cover of Women's Mental Health Alliance submission to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (VIC) consultation. Purple and orange text on white background with a purple and orange wave on the bottom-left of the page.

Submission on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act: Update and Engagement Paper

Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 06 August 2021
| Posted:
6 August 2021

This submission from the Women’s Mental Health Alliance (the Alliance) responds to the Update and Engagement Paper on the new Mental Health & Wellbeing Act.

Front cover of WHV submission on the Second National Plan to End Violence Against Women. Blue and teal shapes on an orange and white background.

Submission to inform the Second National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 06 August 2021
| Posted:
6 August 2021

This submission largely focuses on the primary prevention of men’s violence against women in line with the focus and expertise of WHV.

Short courses in gender equity: Pathway Course brochure cover image

Short courses in gender equity: Pathway Course

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 05 August 2021
| Posted:
5 August 2021

Two short courses are available for people who are interested in learning about gender equity, the emerging roles in gender equity work, and how the Australian workplace is changing. These courses offer a pathway into employment or further study and have been developed for the Learn Local training provider to deliver.

COVID-19 vaccines video campaign image

COVID-19 vaccines: safe and effective for women: August 2021 [Videos] - SUPERSEDED

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 01 August 2021
| Posted:
1 August 2021

Many women have concerns around COVID-19 vaccines and the possible impacts on their health. These five short videos take a look at some of the most common concerns women may have.


Gender analysis of recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System

Women's Mental Health Alliance |Published: 16 June 2021
| Posted:
16 June 2021

The Alliance has undertaken a gender analysis of key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to inform implementation.

Front cover to gender-responsive teaching practice within tertiary education

Gender responsive teaching practice within tertiary education

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 16 June 2021
| Posted:
16 June 2021

This Knowledge Paper discusses the importance of gender responsive teaching practice within tertiary settings, explores the existing knowledge base and practice resources, and highlights areas that need further investigation and development.

Image of the first page of the Spotlight on pelvic pain in women Word document

Spotlight on pelvic pain in women

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 03 June 2021
| Posted:
3 June 2021

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of pelvic pain in women.

Bridge of Support evaluation article image

Bridge of Support: evaluation of an acute care peer support model for women with breast or a gynaecological cancer

Pitcher M, Jorgensen S, Matar L, Vogan D, Holland K, McRae F, et al. |Published: 31 May 2021
| Posted:
30 May 2021

This research evaluated 'Bridge of Support', a hospital-based peer support program for women diagnosed with breast or a gynaecological cancer. 'Bridge of Support' is delivered by Counterpart, a service of Women's Healtth Victoria.