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Looking for an overview or in-depth coverage of a particular women’s health or gender equity issue? Explore our recent publications by topic, publication type, year and audience. Earlier publications are available to view and download via the WHV Library online catalogue.

Counterpart year in review 2017 - 2018

Counterpart Year in Review 2017 - 2018

Counterpart |Published: October 2018
| Posted:
29 October 2018

In 2017–18, Counterpart expanded its reach to more women affected by breast or a gynaecological cancer across Victoria.


Women's Health Atlas shows where action is needed on gender equity

Women's Health Victoria |Published: October 2018
| Posted:
29 October 2018

There is perhaps no more powerful tool in the movement for gender equality than data.

Women's Health Victoria annual report 2017 - 2018

Women's Health Victoria Annual Report 2017 - 2018

Women's Health Victoria |Published: October 2018
| Posted:
29 October 2018

This annual report contains a review of activities, and achievements of Women’s Health Victoria for the period July 2017 to June 2018.

Victorian Gender Equity Bill submission

Submission on the Victorian Gender Equity Bill

Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2018
| Posted:
27 September 2018

Women’s Health Victoria have identified opportunities to strengthen some aspects of the legislation. In particular, opportunities to refine some of the principles and processes specified in the Bill to ensure that the Gender Equality Bill achieves its objectives. 

Spotlight on incarceration and women's health

Spotlight on incarceration and women's health

Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2018
| Posted:
27 September 2018

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of incarceration and women's health.

Submission on Termination Of Pregnancy Bill Queensland front cover

Submission on Termination of Pregnancy Bill Queensland

Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2018
| Posted:
5 September 2018

Women’s Health Victoria strongly supports the current Bill which seeks to decriminalise and regulate abortion provision in Queensland and provides for the establishment of safe access zones. Safe and legal access to abortion is good public health practice and plays an important role in supporting women’s broader health and wellbeing.


Victorian Women's Health Atlas

Women's Health Victoria |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
1 September 2018

The Victorian Women’s Health Atlas has been developed by Women’s Health Victoria, in collaboration with other state-wide and regional women’s health services and Family Planning Victoria, as a tool to assist in the identification of gender impacts on key health areas.

Addressing reproductive coercion submission Round 2

Addressing reproductive coercion [Round 2]

Women's Health Victoria |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
17 August 2018

This submission provides Women’s Health Victoria’s feedback on Hidden Forces, Marie Stopes Australia’s draft white paper on reproductive coercion.

Obesity epidemic in Australia submission

Senate Select Committee into the Obesity Epidemic in Australia

White C, Jovanovski N. |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
10 August 2018

This submission on obesity in Australia includes contributions and endorsement from Women's Health Victoria and Health at Every Size Australia. 

Spotlight on women and unpaid care

Spotlight on women and unpaid care

Women's Health Victoria |Published: June 2018
| Posted:
10 July 2018

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of women and unpaid care.