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Looking for an overview or in-depth coverage of a particular women’s health or gender equity issue? Explore our recent publications by topic, publication type, year and audience. Earlier publications are available to view and download via the WHV Library online catalogue.

Community responses to gender portrayals in advertising research paper cover image

Community responses to gender portrayals in advertising: a research paper

Gurrieri L, McKenzie M, Bugden M. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
24 October 2019

This study explores the responses of Victorian community members to gender portrayals in advertising. The study suggests that community members perceive that stereotyped gender portrayals and sexualised images of women are common in advertising, and that these portrayals pressure women and men to conform to limiting stereotypes, have negative impacts on health and wellbeing, and may support attitudes that cause violence against women.

Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: a snapshot of promising practice cover image

Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: a snapshot of promising practice

Barr M, McKenzie M. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
24 October 2019

This research summary provides a snapshot of the analysis undertaken by RMIT’s Dr Lauren Gurrieri and Dr Rob Hoffman – Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: An analysis of local and global promising practice – which considers how problematic gender portrayals in advertising can be addressed. 

Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of ethics review submission cover image

Submission to Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of ethics review

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 18 October 2019
| Posted:
18 October 2019

WHV's submission, endorsed by multiple agencies, makes 26 recommendations regarding the content of the code of ethics and related practice notes.

Submission to Religious Discrimination Bill Exposure Draft cover image

Submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill First Exposure Draft

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 02 October 2019
| Posted:
2 October 2019

WHV asserts that the exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill privileges the right to religious freedom over the rights of women and marginalised groups to be free from discrimination and to access health, employment, education and other services.

New voice championing for Victorian women image

New voice championing for Victorian women

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 7 August 2019
| Posted:
7 August 2019

The Chair of Women's Health Victoria announced today the appointment of Dianne Hill as the new Chief Executive Officer.

Picture of front page of the Spotlight on alcohol and women's health

Spotlight on alcohol and women's health

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 24 July 2019
| Posted:
24 July 2019

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of alcohol and women's health.

Submission to Royal Commission Into Victoria's Mental Health System thumbnail

Submission to Royal Commission Into Victoria's Mental Health System

Women's Health Victoria |Published:
| Posted:
8 July 2019

WHV's submission focuses on the need for an intersectional gender-sensitive approach to be applied to all areas of mental health policy, health promotion and service provision.

Submission to Public health and wellbeing plan 2019-2023 thumbnail

Submission to Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 19 June 2019
| Posted:
19 June 2019

WHV's submission to the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services responds to the ‘Areas for discussion’ questions in the consultation paper.

Access and Equity forum 2019 image

Forum Proceedings: Access and Equity: Towards optimal reproductive health in Victoria

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 27 May 2019
| Posted:
29 May 2019

This forum was held on 15 May 2019 at One Roof in Melbourne. The forum was planned and delivered by Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) and brought together 100 stakeholders in women’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to hear from key speakers, reflect on recent achievements, and identify shared priorities going forward.

Safe access here to stay - Thumbnail

Safe Access here to stay

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 10 April 2019
| Posted:
10 April 2019

Women’s Health Victoria celebrates the High Court’s decision to uphold safe access zones laws in place in Victoria and Tasmania.