The Gender Equity Microcredentials are online credentials that have been developed by industry for industry, ensuring their relevance to the professional development needs of the emerging workforce contributing to gender equality in the workplace.
The Gender Equity Microcredentials are online credentials that have been developed by industry for industry, ensuring their relevance to the professional development needs of the emerging workforce contributing to gender equality in the workplace.
This submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission national Inquiry puts forward evidence-based key principles for effectively addressing and in particular, preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.
This factsheet introduces Women's Health Victoria's award-winning workplace-based program for the prevention of violence against women, including the benefits to workplaces of taking part in the program, with testimonials from employers and employees.
Women’s Health Victoria is proud to be the lead organisation in a consortium of industry and training providers who have come together to develop and pilot accredited training in gender equity.
This paper explores some of the challenges and opportunities in workplace-based programs for the primary prevention of violence against women – including bystander programs – based on findings from program evaluation.
This brochure provides a brief introduction to Women’s Health Victoria’s Take a Stand program for workplace primary prevention of violence against women.
This Spotlight is on workplace sexual harassment in Australia and lists up-to-date and freely available resources for employers and employees to address it.
This is a collection of high-quality multimedia resources (videos and infographics) grouped into four themes: gender equity, preventing violence against women, gender analysis and gender stereotypes.