50 organisations committed to gender equity and women across Victoria have made a joint statement calling for State and Federal Governments to recognise the gendered impacts of COVID-19.
We know women are disproportionately impacted during times of crisis due to financial and economic pressures including loss of income or employment, escalation in family violence, increased carer burden and working in front line services - which both puts them at greater risk of contracting the virus, as well as creating higher levels of stress. WHV is committed to continuing to promote gender equality and provide support through our services. Read more in the statement including a list of 10 things Government can do now to address the impacts of COVID-19 on women and gender diverse people.
Women's Health Victoria is a signatory to the Joint Statement.
Victorian gender equity and women's organisations (2020) Gender equity and women's organisations unite on COVID-19: Joint Statement. Media Release (Apr 2).