In July 2023, Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) engaged Painted Dog Research to evaluate the implementation and outcomes and impact of the Victorian Women’s Health Atlas (the Atlas) from its launch in October 2015 to present.
In July 2023, Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) engaged Painted Dog Research to evaluate the implementation and outcomes and impact of the Victorian Women’s Health Atlas (the Atlas) from its launch in October 2015 to present.
The Atlas, produced by Women's Health Victoria, is a free, interactive data platform that displays health and social wellbeing indicators, mapped by sex, for every local government area in Victoria.
This Knowledge Paper discusses the importance of gender responsive teaching practice within tertiary settings, explores the existing knowledge base and practice resources, and highlights areas that need further investigation and development.
WHV’s submission focuses on young women’s mental health, physical health, sexual and reproductive health and the prevention of violence against women, drawing on our areas of expertise and highlighting the importance of promoting gender equality to address poor health outcomes across all these areas.
This article outlines the development, content and features of the Victorian Women's Health Atlas, its emerging value as a tool for schools, and the development of curriculum resources for Year 10 Geography based on the Atlas.
This Knowledge Paper explores the key elements of ‘gender transformative practice’ and how these can be applied by specialist practitioners and organisations working to create gender transformative change to prevent violence against women and family violence.
This submission draws on WHV's specialist expertise in gender equity and women's health to demonstrate the importance of a comprehensive approach to Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in achieving gender equality.
This submission argues the need to apply an intersectional gender lens to mental health reform – from prevention and early intervention through to treatment and recovery, including investing in (new and existing) intersectional gender equity strategies to support the primary prevention of mental ill-health.
This is a collection of high-quality multimedia resources (videos and infographics) grouped into four themes: gender equity, preventing violence against women, gender analysis and gender stereotypes.