The Women’s Mental Health Alliance welcomes the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report on Mental Health and the opportunity to comment on the implementation of the final recommendations within this report.
The Women’s Mental Health Alliance welcomes the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report on Mental Health and the opportunity to comment on the implementation of the final recommendations within this report.
This submission responds to the consultation paper informing the development of the National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030.
This submission outlines the reasons WHV opposes the Religious Discrimination Bill.
Overall WHV supports the areas for reform outlined in the draft report. However, all reform areas need to integrate a sex- and gender-based analysis to ensure mental health services and prevention efforts address the sex-based and gendered determinants of mental health specific to women and girls.
Our submission to the National Obesity Strategy consultation recommends that the National Obesity Strategy adopts a weight-inclusive framework that emphasises health over weight, takes a gendered approach to health promotion and takes an active role in reducing weight stigma.
WHV asserts that the exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill privileges the right to religious freedom over the rights of women and marginalised groups to be free from discrimination and to access health, employment, education and other services.
Women’s Health Victoria celebrates the High Court’s decision to uphold safe access zones laws in place in Victoria and Tasmania.
This submission argues the need to apply an intersectional gender lens to mental health reform – from prevention and early intervention through to treatment and recovery, including investing in (new and existing) intersectional gender equity strategies to support the primary prevention of mental ill-health.
Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) is thrilled by the announcement that Labor will deliver Australia’s first ever National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.
This submission, in the form of an online survey Q and A, contains WHV responses on the proposed National women's health strategy structure, priority areas, and research partnerships and progress.