Submission on the National Obesity Strategy consultation

Women's Health Victoria
Published: 15 December 2019
Series: Submission

WHV supports the proposed National Obesity Strategy’s aim to support all Australians to have a healthy lifestyle. We recommend that this is framed using a weight-inclusive framework that emphasises health and healthy behaviours as opposed to weight.

This aligns with the evidence and the consultation paper which states that ‘the strategy will support all Australians to have a healthy lifestyle, regardless of weight.’ Focusing on body size rather than healthy behaviours increases weight stigma, which leads to poor health outcomes. Additionally, WHV advocates for a gendered approach to the priority areas identified in the proposed strategy, acknowledging the disproportionate impact of body image concerns, eating disorders and weight stigma on women and girls.  

WHV applauds the proposed strategy’s aim to build a healthier and more resilient food system, and to facilitate the Australia population’s participation in healthy behaviours regardless of weight. We also applaud the strategy’s aim to develop tailored initiatives with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and people with disabilities.


Women's Health Victoria (2019) Submission to the National Obesity Strategy consultation. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne

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