Women and pain Clearinghouse Connector thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2016
| Posted:
1 September 2016

A number of biological and psychosocial factors contribute to women’s different experience of pain. This Clearinghouse Connector features a number of free resources focussing on women and pain.

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 5 August 2016
| Posted:
5 August 2016

Women’s Health Victoria is calling for dentists to play a greater role in identifying and responding to women experiencing family violence in their new Issues Paper, Women and oral health, published during Dental Health Week.

Women and oral health Issues Paper
Begnell P, Anderson R, O'Halloran A. |Published: July 2016
| Posted:
26 July 2016

Oral health is necessary for good quality of life and encompasses more than just having healthy teeth.

Clearinghouse Connector on Obesity and women
Women's Health Victoria |Published: July 2016
| Posted:
1 July 2016

Over half of Australian adult women (56.3%) are overweight or obese, compared with 70.8% of men. This Clearinghouse Connector features free up-to-date resources on women and obesity.

Women's Health Victoria |Published: July 2016
| Posted:
2 July 2016

Safe access to abortion is good public health practice and plays an important role in supporting women’s health, equality and wellbeing. Access to medical abortion is associated with numerous potential benefits for women, including greater choice, as well as lower costs. However, in Victoria ongoing barriers to accessing medical abortion include high costs, the multiple appointments required, and a lack of services in rural and regional areas. In 2016 Women’s Health Victoria in partnership with Family Planning Victoria and the Royal Women’s Hospital held two forums relating to access to medical abortion in Victoria.

Clearinghouse Connector on Women in clinical trials
Women's Health Victoria |Published: June 2016
| Posted:
1 June 2016

This Clearinghouse Connector provides details of up to date free resources focusing on women in clinical trials.

Infant Viablity Bill 2015 fact sheet
Women's Health Victoria |Published: May 2016
| Posted:
6 May 2016

The Infant Viability Bill was tabled in the Victorian Parliament in 2015. This fact sheet addresses concerns relating to abortion after 24 weeks.

Abortion after 24 weeks
Women's Health Victoria |Published: May 2016
| Posted:
6 May 2016

This fact sheet sets out questions and answers relating to abortion after 24 weeks in Victoria.

Clearinghouse Connector on medical abortion
Women's Health Victoria |Published: April 2016
| Posted:
1 April 2016

Safe access to abortion is good public health practice and plays an important role in supporting women’s health, agency and wellbeing. This Connector focuses on the introduction of medical abortion in Australia and provides details of free resources.

Clearinghouse Connector on cardiovascular disease (CVFD) and women
Women's Health Victoria |Published: February 2016
| Posted:
1 February 2016

CVD is the leading cause of premature death in Australian women and this Connector provides a range of freely available resources relating to CVD and women.