Labor's plan is a game changer for women's reproductive rights - thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 6 March 2019
| Posted:
6 March 2019

Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) is thrilled by the announcement that Labor will deliver Australia’s first ever National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.

Women's Health Victoria |Published: August 2018
| Posted:
1 September 2018

The Victorian Women’s Health Atlas has been developed by Women’s Health Victoria, in collaboration with other state-wide and regional women’s health services and Family Planning Victoria, as a tool to assist in the identification of gender impacts on key health areas.

Spotight on older women's health and wellbeing
Women's Health Victoria |Published: December 2017
| Posted:
6 December 2017

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of older women's health and wellbeing.

Growing up unequal image
Webster A, Anderson R, Barr M. |Published: October 2017
| Posted:
1 October 2017

The aim of this paper is to look at young women's health and wellbeing between the ages of 10 and 20. We examine young women's experience of six interrelated priority health areas: physical health, sexual and reproductive health, body image, relationships, mental health and social inclusion.

Young women's health and wellbeing Fact Sheet
Women's Health Victoria |Published: October 2017
| Posted:
10 October 2017

This fact sheet summarises the key points relating to young women and physical health, sexual and reproductive health, body images, relationships, mental health and social inclusion.

Unplanned pregnancy Connector cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: June 2017
| Posted:
6 June 2017

This Connector contains a selection of freely available resources focusing on the experience of unplanned pregnancy in Australia and the resources available for women and health professionals to help navigate the decision making process.

Cancer and women Clearinghouse Connector thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: April 2017
| Posted:
1 April 2017

This Connector contains a selection of freely available resources focusing on women with cancer. 

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 8 March 2017
| Posted:
8 March 2017

This International Women’s Day the women of Victoria have something special to celebrate – the state’s first strategy for women’s sexual and reproductive health.

Young womens health Clearinghouse Connector thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: November 2016
| Posted:
1 November 2016

This Connector contains a selection of freely available resources focusing on young women's health. 

Clearinghouse Connector on Obesity and women
Women's Health Victoria |Published: July 2016
| Posted:
1 July 2016

Over half of Australian adult women (56.3%) are overweight or obese, compared with 70.8% of men. This Clearinghouse Connector features free up-to-date resources on women and obesity.