Women's Health Victoria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Women’s Health Victoria recognises we are in unprecedented times and now more than ever it is important that we can continue our work supporting women and advocating for gender equality.


Women are disproportionately impacted during times of crisis due to financial and economic pressures including loss of income or employment, escalation in family violence, carer burden and working in front line services putting them at greater risk of contracting the virus plus managing higher levels of stress. This is why WHV will continue to work on our long-term goals about gender equality, provide support through our services and engage with our partners and stakeholders.

Our approach:

Women’s Health Victoria would like to acknowledge that people in our organisation, community and society are being severely impacted by Covid -19. This is a very challenging and uncertain time and we will all be affected in many different ways. Please take care of yourselves, stay connected where you can and seek out the support you feel most comfortable with, particularly if you are feeling concerned or anxious. At this time, we can all show kindness by reaching out to those around us and in our communities, finding strength together.

This is a rapidly changing situation and we are monitoring guidance from the Victorian Government on a daily basis. We will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves and appreciate your support and understanding as we all adapt to these difficult times. Take care of yourselves and each other. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

For further Information, updates and advice about the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) including translated information for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, health professionals and industry, visit the Victorian Government website.