WHV works with government, the health sector and the community to create better health outcomes for women (cis and trans inclusive) and gender diverse people.
We’re a statewide, feminist, not-for-profit organisation leading the pursuit of gender equity in health. All of our work contributes to gender-transformative health systems.
We deliver vital support services and empowering health information to the community
Initiatives such as 1800 My Options and Counterpart empower women and gender diverse people to navigate the healthcare system and make informed choices about their health.
We share evidence and recommendations to challenge bias in the health system
We use evidence to inform the design and implementation of programs and capacity building. The evidence collected and synthesised by this team also informs WHV’s advocacy, policy and communications
We build capacity in the health sector to achieve equitable health outcomes
We support gender-responsive care through training, programs and resources. We work in partnership with health professionals and services.

We’re driven by our values – respect, innovation, courage, excellence and inclusion
We’re focused on addressing the key areas of health inequity faced by women and gender diverse people: sexual and reproductive health, mental health and wellbeing, and cancer.
We apply a social determinants of health inequality lens focus on the impacts of gender-based violence, climate change and stigma.
Our impact
Our leadership and advocacy were instrumental in passing abortion law reform legislation in 2008, decriminalising abortion in Victoria. These reforms shifted reproductive rights from a criminal law framework to a health-based approach, improving access to safe and legal abortion services, reducing stigma, and empowering women to make decisions about their reproductive health.
Gender disparities in mental health are significant, with women almost twice as likely as men to experience mental illness due to a mix of biological and social factors, which are compounded by other intersecting forms of inequality. Our research centres the voices of women’s lived experience, building evidence on the need for a gender-responsive approach to mental health. Since 2019 we have convened the Women’s Mental Health Alliance to advocate for a gender lens on Victorian mental health reforms, informing the architecture of mental health systems. We build capability in the mental health workforce by translating knowledge through online training and presentations to the sector.
We launched the Labia Library in 2013, promoting positive body image with information about the diversity of vulvas and labia, helping to challenge stigmas around genital appearance. The Labia Library received a Victorian Public Health Award in 2015, and is frequently included in health education programs. In 2024, the website was relaunched with an expanded gallery of diverse labia images. The resource receives over a million visitors a year, raising awareness that ‘normal’ labia come in all different shapes and sizes.
WHV established 1800 My Options in 2018 to address gaps in health information and referral pathways for sexual and reproductive health services. The phoneline and webchat service provides free information on contraception, pregnancy options including abortion, and sexual health, making sexual and reproductive health services more accessible and equitable across Victoria. 1800 My Options empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health, ensuring they receive the support and care they need, closer to home.
For over 20 years, our Counterpart service has been dedicated to connecting, supporting, and informing women diagnosed with cancer, empowering them to live well. Counterpart provides peer support to women living with cancer through trained Peer Support Volunteers who provide support throughout a woman’s cancer experience. The service also delivers free wellbeing events across Victoria, providing information, support, and connection to women where they live and work.