Women’s Health Victoria welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy.
This submission focuses on the ‘what’s missing’ consultation question – Are there any critical issues or actions to address stigma and discrimination that are not referenced or sufficiently prioritised in the Draft Strategy?
Women’s Health Victoria argues that gender bias and stereotypes faced by women in the mental health system are critical issues that are not adequately addressed in the draft Strategy. Given how poorly women have been treated within the mental health system, WHV believe that sexism and gender discrimination must be specifically named and addressed in the Strategy, including in specific actions aimed at educating and training mental health and other professionals.
Summary of recommendations:
- Ensure that anti-stigma training in key sectors (mental health and justice sectors) includes specific efforts to address harmful gender biases, stereotypes, and discrimination in the mental health system and among the general public.
- Use the biopsychosocial model of mental health in anti-stigma initiatives to challenge the dominance of the biomedical model
- Ensure the mental health workforce is properly resourced through pay and has adequate patient-to-staff ratios.
Find out more about the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy consultation here.
Word version: WHV Submission on the draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
Women's Health Victoria (2023) Submission on the draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.