Power to prevent Joint Statement 2020 image
|Published: 06 February 2020
| Posted:
6 February 2020

A group of more than 100 diverse organisations, unions, researchers, peak bodies, health professionals and lawyers are calling for State, Territory and Federal Governments to take urgent and coordinated action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in Australian workplaces.

Empowering consumers to call out sexism in advertising thumbnail image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 28 November 2019
| Posted:
28 November 2019

This toolkit informs consumers about how ads are regulated in Australia, the rules advertisers are supposed to follow, and how to make a complaint.

Image: New alliance calls for urgent action on the mental health of women and girls
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 27 November 2019
| Posted:
27 November 2019

A new Women’s Mental Health Alliance has been established to advocate for a stronger focus on the mental health of women and girls.

Women's Health Victoria introduces 25 Champions for Women thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published:
| Posted:
7 November 2019

’WHV’s Champions for Women’, announced on 28 October 2019, recognise women who have been at the forefront of women’s health, gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights.

Reports reveal our attitudes to sexist ads and how the industry can improve thumbnail
RMIT University, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
29 October 2019
People are sick of sexist ads and the harm they cause but feel powerless to change them, according to new research released today by RMIT University and Women's Health Victoria.
New voice championing for Victorian women image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 7 August 2019
| Posted:
7 August 2019

The Chair of Women's Health Victoria announced today the appointment of Dianne Hill as the new Chief Executive Officer.

Safe access here to stay - Thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 10 April 2019
| Posted:
10 April 2019

Women’s Health Victoria celebrates the High Court’s decision to uphold safe access zones laws in place in Victoria and Tasmania.

Labor's plan is a game changer for women's reproductive rights - thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 6 March 2019
| Posted:
6 March 2019

Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) is thrilled by the announcement that Labor will deliver Australia’s first ever National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.

Gender equity training to shape the workforce of the future media release thumbnail
Women's Health Victoria |Published: November 2018
| Posted:
12 November 2018

Women’s Health Victoria is proud to be the lead organisation in a consortium of industry and training providers who have come together to develop and pilot accredited training in gender equity.

Women's Health Victoria |Published: October 2018
| Posted:
29 October 2018

There is perhaps no more powerful tool in the movement for gender equality than data.