Women's Health Victoria hightlights reel 2020-2021 image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 25 October 2021
| Posted:
25 October 2021

This video, launched at the 2021 AGM, showcases Women's Health Victoria's programs, services, activities and achievements throughout the 2020-2021 year.

Front cover to gender-responsive teaching practice within tertiary education
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 16 June 2021
| Posted:
16 June 2021

This Knowledge Paper discusses the importance of gender responsive teaching practice within tertiary settings, explores the existing knowledge base and practice resources, and highlights areas that need further investigation and development.

WHV Youth Strategy submission front page with logos of organisations who endorsed the submission
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 17 December 2020
| Posted:
17 December 2020

WHV’s submission focuses on young women’s mental health, physical health, sexual and reproductive health and the prevention of violence against women, drawing on our areas of expertise and highlighting the importance of promoting gender equality to address poor health outcomes across all these areas.

Logo of the brand shEqual. In the word 'shequal' is in a dark teal colour but the crosses of the capital 'E' in the middle is gold- like an equal sign
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 24 November 2020
| Posted:
24 November 2020

shEqual – an Australian first initiative to realise equality in advertising – launched Monday 23 November 2020 with the support of industry and government leaders.

Seeing is believing: a national framework for championing gender equality in advertising: cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 23 November 2020
| Posted:
23 November 2020

This framework is an Australian-first national blueprint for long-term change to promote gender equality and address the drivers of violence against women in the advertising setting.

WHV Annual Report 2019-2020 cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 26 October 2020
| Posted:
26 October 2020

This annual report contains a review of activities, and achievements of Women’s Health Victoria for the period July 2019 to June 2020.

Front cover of the submission to Productivity Commission interim report to the National Skills and Workforce Development Agreement
Gender Equality Victoria, Women in Adult and Vocational Education, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 22 July 2020
| Posted:
22 July 2020

This submission to the Productivity Submission, written by Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV), specifically talks to issues relating to ‘options to ensure government investment in VET encourages increased participation in training by all Australians and is commensurate with the outcomes and benefits derived by individuals, business, industry, the local and national economy and society more generally.’

Front cover of submission to Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy Review
Gender Equality Victoria, Women in Adult and Vocational Education, Women's Health Victoria |Published: 06 July 2020
| Posted:

This submission, written by Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult  and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV), makes recommendations drawing on a wealth of evidence that supports that this is not possible until inequity in our society and economy is addressed – specifically gender equity.

Atlas Education Resource Geography 9-10 Series covers image
Barlow S; Women's Health Victoria; Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria |Published: 03 July 2020
| Posted:
3 July 2020

These Geography classroom exercises are designed to enable teachers and students anywhere in Victoria to draw on real-world local data to investigate issues, identify spatial variations, and interpret health and gender impacts.

Picture of the first page of the Word document
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 15 May 2020
| Posted:
15 May 2020

This Spotlight features a list of up-to-date and freely available research and resources on the topic of women and gender-responsive mental health care.