Addressing and preventing sexist advertising an analysis of local and global promising practice cover image
Gurrieri L, Hoffman R. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
29 October 2019

This research paper explores the efficacy of interventions that aim to address sexism or promote progressive gender representations in advertising, highlighting examples of local and global promising practice.

Community responses to gender portrayals in advertising research paper cover image
Gurrieri L, McKenzie M, Bugden M. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
24 October 2019

This study explores the responses of Victorian community members to gender portrayals in advertising. The study suggests that community members perceive that stereotyped gender portrayals and sexualised images of women are common in advertising, and that these portrayals pressure women and men to conform to limiting stereotypes, have negative impacts on health and wellbeing, and may support attitudes that cause violence against women.

Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: a snapshot of promising practice cover image
Barr M, McKenzie M. |Published: 29 October 2019
| Posted:
24 October 2019

This research summary provides a snapshot of the analysis undertaken by RMIT’s Dr Lauren Gurrieri and Dr Rob Hoffman – Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: An analysis of local and global promising practice – which considers how problematic gender portrayals in advertising can be addressed. 

Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of ethics review submission cover image
Women's Health Victoria |Published: 18 October 2019
| Posted:
18 October 2019

WHV's submission, endorsed by multiple agencies, makes 26 recommendations regarding the content of the code of ethics and related practice notes.

Advertising inequality issues paper front cover
McKenzie M, Bugden M, Webster A, Barr M |Published: December 2018
| Posted:
6 December 2018

The aim of this issues paper is to provide an overview of significant literature currently published on the nature of gender portrayals in advertising, and the impacts of these representations on women’s health and wellbeing, gender inequality and attitudes and behaviours that support violence against women.

Women's Health Victoria, Plan International Australia |Published: 15 December 2017
| Posted:
15 December 2017

A coalition of community groups, academics and activists has today called for the elimination of sexist advertising and more positive, diverse and realistic representations of women and girls in the media and public space.

Making Space for Women 5 December 2017 proceedings
Women's Health Victoria, Plan International Australia, City of Melbourne |Published: December 2017
| Posted:
11 December 2017

The speakers explore the representation of women and girls in advertising and public spaces and how this perpetuates stereotypes that drive violence against women. Innovative opportunities to improve the representation and inclusion of women in Victoria are also discussed.

Women's Health Victoria |Published: 5 December 2016
| Posted:
5 December 2016

Women’s Health Victoria congratulates the State Government on the launch of Victoria’s first Gender Equality Strategy, affirming Victoria’s national and international reputation as a leader in the prevention of violence against women.

Women and media representation infographic
Women's Health Victoria |Published: September 2016
| Posted:
9 September 2016

This infographic summarises in pictorial form the key messages from the Clearinghouse Connectors on Women in advertising and Sexualisation of women and girls.

Clearinghouse Connector on representation of women in advertising
Women's Health Victoria |Published: March 2016
| Posted:
1 March 2016

This Clearinghouse Connector presents a selection of freely-available current research on the impact of advertising on women’s health and wellbeing.