The Victorian Government today announced $1.67 million in funding for 1800 My Options to enable this essential statewide women's sexual and reproductive health service to continue for a further four years.
The Victorian Government today announced $1.67 million in funding for 1800 My Options to enable this essential statewide women's sexual and reproductive health service to continue for a further four years.
Independent evaluation of the service demonstrates that 1800 My Options increases timely access to essential sexual and reproductive health services, reduces stigma around abortion and contraception, and services diverse communities across Victoria.
Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) undertook a consultation with the Victorian sexual and reproductive health sector around the impacts of the Victorian Government's Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: Key Priorities 2017-2020, as well as priorities and challenges for future women’s sexual and reproductive health access and service provision.
This annual report contains a review of activities, and achievements of Women’s Health Victoria for the period July 2019 to June 2020.
This compilation of sexual health articles and infographics has been put together by 1800 My Options to mark World Sexual Health Day and International Safe Abortion Day.
1800 My Options - Victoria’s pro-choice, free and confidential phone line for sexual and reproductive health - today received its 10,000th call since launching in March 2018.
Reviews the activities, and achievements of Women’s Health Victoria for the period July 2018 to June 2019.
This forum was held on 15 May 2019 at One Roof in Melbourne. The forum was planned and delivered by Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) and brought together 100 stakeholders in women’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to hear from key speakers, reflect on recent achievements, and identify shared priorities going forward.
Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) is thrilled by the announcement that Labor will deliver Australia’s first ever National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.