The aim of this paper is to look at young women’s health and wellbeing between the ages of 10 and 20. We examine young women’s experience of six interrelated priority health areas: physical health, sexual and reproductive health, body image, relationships, mental health and social inclusion.
Adolescence is associated with physical change, friendships, first intimate relationships, and pressure to lay a strong foundation for a healthy and productive adulthood. However, research clearly shows that girls and boys are subjected to different expectations and pressures during adolescence and that between the ages of 10 and 20, young women’s experiences and health outcomes can differ significantly from those of their male peers.
Growing up unequal takes a comprehensive look at how sex and gender expectations impact health outcomes for young women, ultimately finding that the most effective way to reduce the risk of poor physical, emotional and mental health outcomes for women is to create a more equal society for girls to grow up in.
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- Webster A
- Anderson R
- Barr M
Webster A, Anderson R, Barr M (2017) Growing up unequal: how sex and gender impact young women's health and wellbeing. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne. - (Women's Health Issues Paper; 12)